
How To Remove Green From Jewelry

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Costume jewelry is a fun way to alter your wait, simply green stains on your fingers are no fun at all! Sometimes the metals in inexpensive jewelry can oxidize and exit stains on your pare. By preventing the green stains, removing stains from your fingers, and choosing different jewelry, you tin can wearable the jewelry yous love without worry.

  1. one

    Glaze your ring with articulate smash smooth. Use articulate smash polish to paint the within of the ring and whatsoever other areas of the piece that come into contact with your finger. Allow the band rest on a make clean plate for 20 minutes until it is completely dry before wearing.[i]

    • Note that for matte rings, applying articulate polish will add shine to the slice.
    • The boom polish will naturally vesture off over time. To preserve your protective bulwark, audit your ring each time you wearable it and reapply the smooth as needed.
  2. ii

    Use a polymer barrier betwixt your skin and the ring. Apply a barrier product, such as Jeweler's Skin Guard, to the band according to the manufacturer's directions. These specially products are formulated to seal the metallic and protect your skin from staining.[2]

    • A unmarried application of these products lasts for about 2 months. Reapply as needed, depending upon how ofttimes you wear your jewelry.


  3. 3

    Remove your jewelry earlier getting your hands wet. Avoid swimming, washing your hands, or showering with your rings on. Water accelerates the oxidation procedure that turns your rings green, and table salt h2o in particular can erode your jewelry.[iii]

  4. iv

    Avoid applying lotions, perfumes, and soaps with your ring on. Take off your rings when you go ready in the morning and every time you launder your easily. The acids in certain cleansers and beauty products can cause your rings to oxidize and speed upwards their deterioration.[4]


  1. 1

    Try waterproof eye makeup remover. Dampen a cotton ball with waterproof eye makeup remover, which you tin purchase at your local beauty supply store. Rub the cotton wool brawl back and forth over the stained surface area of your finger, paying particular attending to the areas of webbing between your fingers where staining tin can concentrate.

    • This method is very gentle and best for small areas of staining.
    • You lot tin can leave the makeup remover on your skin, there is no need to wash your hands unless desired.
  2. ii

    Use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol. Dampen a cotton wool ball with everyday rubbing alcohol from your local drug store. Rub the cotton ball around the area of staining, taking care to avoid whatsoever broken peel. While a fiddling redness is normal in reaction to alcohol, terminate if you feel any irritation developing.

    • Launder your hands with tap water and soap after using the rubbing booze.
    • Alcohol tin dry out your skin, so apply hand balm when you're finished to moisturize.
  3. 3

    Use not-acetone nail polish remover. If your staining is extreme, dampen a cotton ball with non-acetone nail shine remover. Wipe the expanse of staining with the cotton ball, applying gentle pressure. When the stain is removed, wash your hands thoroughly with lather and water and moisturize.

    • Exercise non apply nail smooth remover on broken or irritated skin.
    • As nail smooth remover is very abrasive, don't this method more than once a calendar week.


  1. 1

    Avoid copper, sterling silver, and other alloyed metals. Ask what a ring is made of earlier you buy information technology. Rings fabricated from an alloy—multiple metals combined—rather than a pure metallic are more than prone to staining your finger.[5]

    • Copper and copper-alloys are the metals most likely to oxidize and turn light-green.

    Skillful TIP

    Kennon Young is a Gemological Plant of America (GIA) Graduate Gemologist, an American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Master Gemologist Appraiser, and a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician. He received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Principal Gemologist Appraiser, in 2022.

    Kennon Young

    Kennon Young
    Certified Jeweler

    Our Expert Agrees: When your pare turns green, it'south caused past an oxidation of the metal due to the acerbity of your peel. Given that your skin isn't going to change its acidity, you need to habiliment different jewelry to forbid that from happening. Nigh likely, the light-green is a reaction from copper, then opt for jewelry made from materials like golden or platinum.

  2. 2

    Choose stainless steel, rhodium, yellowish gold, or white aureate rings. Seek out rings of these metals, which are less decumbent to oxidation and deterioration. They're also less likely to cause skin allergies or rashes.[vi]

    • Lots of online retailers specialize in jewelry for sensitive skin in these metals.
  3. 3

    Article of clothing necklaces and earrings instead of rings. Opt for jewelry that encounters less everyday wear than a band. Yous use your easily a lot, which ways your rings are exposed to lots of annoying paw washing, lotion, and sanitizers. Earrings and necklaces are less probable to stain because they see less.

  4. 4

    Avoid metals in favor of leather or beaded jewelry. Forego metals altogether in favor of jewelry that wears tougher. Leather, beaded silk, and even plastic can all suffer a lot more than corruption than some assimilated metals.[7]


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  • Question

    Is it bad to clothing a band that turns your finger green?

    Kennon Young

    Kennon Immature is a Gemological Found of America (GIA) Graduate Gemologist, an American Guild of Appraisers (ASA) Primary Gemologist Appraiser, and a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Demote Jeweler Technician. He received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Primary Gemologist Appraiser, in 2022.

    Kennon Young

    Certified Jeweler

    Expert Answer

    It may exist rather irritating than dangerous. I haven't heard that anyone had any major reactions to it, aside from minor skin irritations.

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Article Summary Ten

Sometimes cheap rings can turn your finger light-green, equally the metallic oxidizes and stains your skin. Yous can prevent this from happening by removing the band before you become your hands wet. H2o accelerates the oxidation processes, so your finger won't plough greenish as chop-chop if it stays dry out. You can besides utilise a coat of clear smash shine to your ring to make a barrier between the ring and your skin. Allow the nail smooth dry out for at least xx minutes before you wearable the ring and reapply the coating as it chips off. To remove a light-green stain from your finger, endeavour using waterproof heart makeup remover. Dampen a cotton wool ball with the makeup remover and employ it to wipe away the green stain. If the stain is more extreme, try using non-acetone smash smooth remover in the same style. For more advice on keeping a band from turning your finger dark-green, similar how to choose jewelry that won't stain, read on.

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