
How To Remove Kiss Nails Without Acetone

Acrylic nails are currently on-trend, and they do an excellent job of adding some corporeality of length to your original nails. Despite the job well done, at that place comes a solar day when you lot have to remove it. Maybe subsequently a month or few weeks, you have to undergo the process of painful acrylic nail removal.

How To Remove Acrylic Nails without Acetone

The best pick is to get it removed by experts, merely the removal does not come cheap. Not everyone has that kind of fourth dimension or coin to visit a nail parlor every fourth dimension they want something done to their nails.

When it comes to removing your acrylic nails by the simplest of ways, Acetone is e'er your best friend. It is a stiff chemical that easily dissolves your acrylic nails, making them easy for their removal. But regardless, we here are nigh to share with yous some ways to remove acrylic nails without acetone.

Why Should You Not Utilize Acetone To Remove Boom Smoothen?

Everybody loves to utilise nail polish, just they're also when you need to remove them to get another fresh set. This is when nail smooth removers come into play.

Nail polish removers are basically of two types. Ane is acetone, and the other i is non-acetone. These removers dissolve the front difficult base of operations of your smash polish and effectively removes it.

Blast Polish contains several ingredients like color pigments, plasticizers, moving picture formers, and resins. These are the ingredients that give those nice luscious-looking colors to your nails. The only problem, all the same, is that removing them is non the easiest.

When information technology comes to removing tough boom smoothen, Acetone is always the favorite. Information technology is a strong chemic solvent that dissolves the hardest of nail smoothen and removes them effectively. The merely problem with this nail smoothen remover is that it is likewise harsh on your skin.

While using acetone, information technology sometimes tends to remove the natural oils from your skin. Using acetone ofttimes makes your pare dry and tacky.

While using it, y'all will sometimes find that your skin has turned completely white. This is when you should realize that you have put too much Acetone and dried out your peel even further.

Acetone is, however, the about powerful solvent for removing stubborn smash smoothen. But it is considerably drying and harsh on the skin and the cuticles. Women who take dry pare or who have the problem of weak and splitting nails should avoid acetone.

Unproblematic Ways to Remove Acrylic Nails Without Acetone

Acrylic nails no doubt look super pretty. They give your nails a wait that a elementary manicure can never achieve. Even so, when it comes to its removal, it is not just painful just super costly.

The cheapest method you lot can discover of removing acrylic nails is by using Acetone. Merely we already discussed what information technology could exercise to your skin and nails.

How To Remove Acrylic Nails without Acetone
How To Remove Acrylic Nails without Acetone

This is why we hither bring to you some ways to remove acrylic nails without acetone. They are not only quick and easy only definitely budget-friendly and cost-effective.

  1. Using Dental Floss

This is probably the easiest and quickest method of removing acrylic nails at dwelling house. It is free of cost and does not involve rocket science or some fancy supplies. This method comes in very handy when you do not have several hours to remove your acrylic nails.

Things You Need:

  • Dental Floss
  • Cuticle Stick
  • Nail Oil


  1. The get-go step involves finding a partner. You lot cannot do this alone, so you need someone who can assist you with the accept-off of your acrylic nails.
  2. Employ a cuticle stick and make a slight cut betwixt your original boom bed and the fake nails.
  3. Once the cut is done and you tin see infinite insert your dental floss into it.
  4. Permit your partner to do this carefully so that your finger is not wounded in the process.
  5. The recommended length of the dental floss is virtually 12-xv inches.
  6. At present that the floss is inserted in position enquire your partner to motility back and along and become deeper into the cut.
  7. As your partner to echo this process until y'all run across the acrylic nail coming out.
  8. Finally, when the fake boom has come out quite a bit, utilize your fingers to pull it off from your natural smash.
  9. Once this is done, it is time to take care of it. File your nails in a pretty good way, as your smash might get a bit damaged in the process.
  10. Prune your nails to the desired length as they might accept grown while your fake nails were on.
  11. Apply some nail oil to your cuticles and nails to keep them moisturized.
  12. Wash your paw pretty well later on the process, and use a good moisturizer afterward.

All the same, this method is not a recommended one since information technology can cause potential damage to your original nails. Likewise, if you do this procedure very forcefully, it might cause severe bleeding and extensive impairment to your blast bed. This is merely to be done during rush hours and that also if it is essential.

2. Using Hot water

Hot water is another way to remove acrylic nails without acetone. This method is, again, the easiest and super toll-effective as it involves merely h2o.

Things You Need:

  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Nail Oil or Vaseline


  1. Start by heating the water. Estrus it until information technology is warm plenty to soak your hands in it.
  2. Insert your nails and let them soak for about fifteen-20 minutes. Warm h2o will soften the nails, and it will be easier to remove them.
  3. Dip your nails long plenty till you see your acrylic nails starting to swell. Swelling means you tin easily remove your nails.
  4. Proceed it long enough until you come across your nails coming off easily.
  5. Once yous see your nails coming off, utilise a toothpick to detach the acrylic nails from your natural nails, exist very careful with this step.
  6. Later you have successfully removed it, employ a blast file to remove the excess glue from your nails.
  7. Use Vaseline or natural oil to moisturize your nails to keep them soft.

3. Using A Blast Filer

Some other manner by which you tin remove your acrylic nails is past using boom filers. It can exist a little fourth dimension-consuming, but it tin can remove your acrylic nails finer. It too saves your nails and skin from coming into contact with chemicals, thereby saving it from any potential harm.

Things You Need:

  • Nail Filer or Buffer
  • Orange Sticks
  • Nail Clippers
  • Cuticle Scissors
  • Cuticle Oil


  • The showtime step will be to make clean your nails from all the colors and designs.
  • Clip your nails to the shortest length.
  • At present begin to file them by using long strokes. Go along filing the nails until you experience that yous accept reached the original smash bed.
  • Once y'all take filed all of the acrylic nails away, look closely for any remnants.
  • If you see annihilation left, then use a cuticle scissor and clip open the edges. Do this in small pieces as you practise not want to open up them too much.
  • Once everything is done, use an orange stick to remove the excessive acrylic glue.
  • This process can be harsh and Damaging, so follow it upwards with cuticle oil to keep your nails moisturized.

four. Using A Laminated Concern Bill of fare

This is the quickest and easiest method on how to remove acrylic nails without acetone. This practically requires only 1 detail, and information technology is probably found in everyone's purses. This method due south to be done merely in drastic times and during extreme need or hurry. Yous can likewise use a credit or debit card for this process.

Things You Need:

  • Laminated Card
  • Orange Sticks


  1. Pry open the edges using the orange sticks. Make a minor opening for the business concern card to insert.
  2. One time you have got the opening, insert the business concern carte gently and utilise pressure in an upwards motility.
  3. Proceed doing this on one side at a given fourth dimension and repeat it until you lot run into your acrylic nails coming off.
  4. Avoid dissentious the natural smash bed and exist gentle while applying pressure. And voila! Your acrylic nails are removed just like that.

5. Using Acetone Free Nail Smoothen Remover

Acetone-complimentary smash smooth remover is not every bit efficient and effective as acetone removers. They have quite a lot of time, which means that you demand to rub your nails more than usual. Withal, it is a safe method since Acetone can exist severely dissentious to your nails and skin.

Things You Need:

  • Acetone free smash polish remover
  • Tweezer
  • Basin
  • Boom clippers


  1. Begin by clipping your nails to the shortest possible length.
  2. Pry open the edges using the pointed sharp edge of your tweezer.
  3. Pour your acetone-complimentary nail polish into a bowl.
  4. Dip your nails and let them soak for about 20-thirty minutes.
  5. While your nail is soaking, y'all will come across that your acrylic nails are get-go to loosen.
  6. When you reach this stage, apply your tweezers to remove the nails gently.
  7. If you lot feel any problem, then soak it one more fourth dimension to make the process easier.

Acetone-free nail smooth removers tend to evaporate after some time. So it is a wise idea to keep calculation some remover from fourth dimension to time. This will make your process more comfortable and allow your acrylic nails to come up off hands and quickly.

Essential Things To Take Care Of While Removing Acrylic Nails

At present that nosotros know so many ways to remove acrylic nails, here are some tips which you should follow while removing acrylic nails at domicile.

  • Exercise not try to pull out your nails forcefully. This will not but exist painful, but it can also pull out your natural nail bed, causing y'all to drain severely. This will also lead to infection.
  • To restore your natural blast bed uses a cuticle oil immediately after the removal of your acrylic nails. This will assist your nails to heal fast.
  • Some of these processes can be a little harsh on your nails, and then exercise not forget to follow upwards with a moisturizer to forbid any damage.
  • Scrape off the backlog glue or any remaining residue of the acrylic nails to allow your natural nail bed to breathe.
  • Before you make up one's mind to become for some other set up of acrylic nails, give your nails at least a rest period of one week. This will restore the natural balance of your nails.


Acrylic Nails tin can be damaging, and the removal tin be even more damaging. Some of these processes can be harsh, so it is essential to take care of your nails afterwards you accept removed them. Hither are some ways by which yous can take care of your nails in one case you lot have removed your acrylic nails.

  • Quit using your nail polish for a while. Permit your nails to breathe and leave them bare for at least a month. Going nail smoothen-free will permit your nails to regain their original strength.
  • Later on you accept left your nails untouched for a month, apply a blast strengthener every 3 days to strengthen your nails.
  • Acrylic nails tin can exist damaging, and this can make your nails decumbent to breakage. Therefore proceed your nails every bit short equally possible and file them daily and only in 1 direction.
  • Consume healthily and include lots of protein to strengthen your nails. As well, swallow enough of vegetables and fruits to go on the hydration going. Yous tin also consume biotin supplements that are known to strengthen nails.
  • Do your household chores wearing gloves, and afterwards you lot come up in contact with water, moisturize your hands and nails immediately with natural oils.


These were some of the easiest means to remove your acrylic nails at home without Acetone. These methods are not but budget-friendly, but they are also quick and can save y'all a lot of time. The post-care, withal, is very important as it can take upwardly to 4 months for your nails to regain their force fully. Therefore, follow the necessary steps to maintain good for you and beautiful nails.

How To Remove Kiss Nails Without Acetone,


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