
AMD RX 6800-series stock 'extremely limited' at launch today | PC Gamer - goodmannotho1944

AMD RX 6800-serial gillyflower 'extremely express' at launch today

AMD RX 6800 XT graphics card at various angles
(Image reference: AMD)

America retail merchant, Microcenter, has decided to limit all AMD Radeon RX 6800-serial publication artwork menu sales to in-store lonesome, with no online gross sales being available due to the flooding demand. The retailer has as wel stated in a assembly post (via Videocardz) that line of descent "wish be super limited at launch" though it is expecting additive shipments at stores throughout the day.

The AMD RX 6800-series graphics card game are launching today, going on sale at 9am Eastern (6am Pacfic, 2pm UK ), and will likely be oversubscribed out by cardinal minutes past 9. Symmetric so, if you're after one of the new Big Navi GPUs, we'll make up scouring the mesh to find the best places to buy an RX 6800/XT card.

Information technology is worth noting that retailers and manufacturers across the world are already out in that respect trying to temper expectations after the Nvidia RTX 30-serial publication launches, AMD Ryzen Central processor release, and next-gen comfort orders, were blink-and-you'll-miss-it affairs.

An Asus Nordic representative reportedly warned there would be low store levels of the RX 6800, and especially the RX 6800 XT, on the day of release, with them likely "to be gone in a few minutes." All this despite AMD's Direct Azor trying to remain optimistic in his Twitter assertions that information technology wouldn't constitute suchlike the Ampere art card launches at all.

It's potentially looking a little healthier in the U.K., withal, with Overclockers having explicit in its own forum that it would have more than 35 units of each fashion mode ready to axial motion. Though if that's 35 unit of the RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT those 70 cards are going to vanish pretty swiftly, but if it is more than 35 of each manufacturer's reference cards (Sapphire, Asus, MSI, etc.) then that's a fair chunk of revolutionary GPUs.

(Image credit: r/Amd)

Still, the fact that Microcenter is constraining every Radeon gross revenue to in-stock only means that we're getting some hand-me-down-school images popping finished on r/Amd display people really queuing up outside shut stores. Which would be pulverized in whatsoever other, non-pandemic times but simply feels a petty embarrassed true today.

Though I am in the UK where we're not really allowed outside at the moment, so mayhap I'm just jealous.

Dave James

Dave has been gaming since the days of Zaxxon and Peeress Microbe on the Colecovision, and code books for the Commodore Vic 20 (Death Race 2000!). He built his first gaming PC at the warm age of 16, and last finished bug-fixing the Cyrix-based system about a year later. When he dropped it out of the window. He first off started writing for Official PlayStation Magazine and Xbox World many decades ago, and so moved onto PC Format full-clock, then PC Gamer, TechRadar, and T3 among others. Now he's rearward, writing about the nightmarish graphics card market, CPUs with more cores than sense, play laptops hotter than the Sun, and SSDs many capacious than a Cybertruck.


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