
Warframe gets Unreal Tournament weapon skins to celebrate its launch on the Epic Games Store | PC Gamer - goodmannotho1944

Warframe gets Unreal Tournament weapon skins to celebrate its launch on the Larger-than-life Games Store

Warframe creator Digital Extremes and Epic Games cause a storied history: they co-created Unreal and Unreal Tournament back in the late '90s. Eventually, the two studios parted ways, with Extremity Extremes seemly a mid-tier work-for-hire developer before gambling and finding big success on Warframe. But now both Epic and Extremity Extremes are having a little reunion.

Announced during The Halt Awards, Warframe is sexual climax to the Epic Spunky Storehouse and giving inaccurate some pretty neat weapon skins modelled after Unreal Tournament's most picture weapons. You can watch the dawdler above, but the anyone who logs into Warframe via the Epic Depot ahead December 25 will incur the Rocket engine Catapult, Flak Cannon, and Shock Rifle skins along with the requisite Warframe weapons to actually use them. If you log up earlier December 14, you'll evening earn some in-courageous boosters that give you supererogatory credits and Phylogenetic relation (in essence experience points but for your weapons and armor).

What's pretty neat is that, because Warframe already has an tremendous arsenal of guns, these skins are for weapons that pretty much behave the same Eastern Samoa they would in Imaginary Tournament. The Drakgoon, which comes with the Flak Cannon skin, is literally just a flak cannon.

Even if you already fiddle Warframe on Steam clean (or using its own launcher), you're still bailable to claim these bonuses, Digital Extremes confirmed. You'll just need to create an Poem Games account, download the game, and log in. Because Warframe is free, you North Korean won't have to pay anything, but you wish have to download it a second time IT sounds like.

Information technology's a fun olive-sized holiday treat, and I equal that it's a crossover case that doesn't break the philosophy of Warframe alike you see in a lot of online games. If you seaport't played Warframe however, you should. It's an excellent free-to-play game, and it also won't convey up stacks of cherished hard thrust space immediately that Digital Extremes has shrunk it.

If you want to see the skins up close, here's extraordinary screenshots.

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(Image credit: Appendage Extremes)

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(Image deferred payment: Digital Extremes)

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(Image course credit: Digital Extremes)

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(Image credit: Digital Extremes)

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(Image credit: Digital Extremes)
Steven Messner

With over 7 long time of get with in-profundity feature reporting, Steven's delegation is to chronicle the fascinating ways that games intersect our lives. Whether it's colossal in-game wars in an MMO, or long-haul truckers WHO turn off to games to protect them from the loneliness of the open road, Steven tries to unearth Microcomputer play's superior untold stories. His dearest of PC gaming started extremely rude. Without money to spend, he spent an entire day observance the progress bar on a 25mb download of the Heroes of Might and Magic 2 demo that he then played for at least a hundred hours. It was a good demo.


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