removing pins/scales

A growing number of collectors customize their automated knives by changing scales, bolsters, blades, doing fileworks, ... Wether you're a guru or just a wannabe pocketknife modder, this is the place to talk over it!

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removing pins/scales

What is the best method for removing scales on a pinned stiletto? I have been reluctant to try. Razor bract between scale and liner?

Is at that place a book or someway to learn other than just doing it. How about a tools and parts? I see parts available, is in that location a standard pin? What tools practise I need? etc.

Last edited past thom on Thu May 17, 2018 xi:23 pm, edited i time in total.

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Bill DeShivs
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Re: removing pins/scales

Post by Bill DeShivs »

I more often than not take the pocketknife apart by filing the heads off the backspring and rear bolster pins, and punch the pins out from the within of the liners.

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Re: removing pins/scales

Post past JimBrown257 »

thom wrote:Razor blade between scale and liner?

Don't do that! E'er take the pocketknife apart by removing the pins. As Bill said, take the three structural pins off from the dorsum, unless there is some reason it is easier to practice from the front (though there rarely is).

To cut the heads off, utilize a Dremel cut wheel to remove as much equally the head as you can. And then I use a 1/16" drill bit to drill a little bit into the pivot. Afterwards that, y'all use a pin punch or nail to pound the pin out enough to take hold of it from the other side. And when you remove the scale pins, work from the liner side and do the same affair, though at that place won't be the head to cut off.

When y'all are ready to put the knife back together, come back hither for advice on that. For the steel pins, you can use pieces of wire hangers. If you buy steel ones DON'T get stainless. For the contumely ones, get 2mm rods. For the scale pins, you will either have to sand the pin down a little (the existing ones are bigger than one.5mm but smaller than 2mm) or aggrandize the holes to be 2mm.

1 thing: find some POS manual to practise on because the first time you try this you will probable mess the knife up. You desire to get some practise removing and replacing pins earlier you try working on a knife you lot care near.

So you will need:

Cutting wheels (the enforced ones are worth the extra cost)
Wheel mandrel
Pin punch or nail
Replacement pins
Flat caput hammer

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Re: removing pins/scales

Postal service past Beak DeShivs »

Never make the hole fit your pin. Brand your pin fit the hole.
Brass pin stock is available in all unlike sizes. .072, .081, 2mm are all mutual.

Bill DeShivs, Master Cutler
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Re: removing pins/scales

Mail by JimBrown257 »

If you are going for the original look, you don't desire to expand the holes merely if you are doing a custom there is no reason not to do it.

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Re: removing pins/scales

Post by thom »

Cheers guys. If I do endeavor information technology volition certainly be on a unsightly knife. I tin can't imagine doing that without scratching the scales.

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Re: removing pins/scales

Mail service by john »

To assistance preclude scratches cover the scales and bolsters with duct tape. Light scratches are easily removed. You tin effort starting with a form to fine polishing cloths/ sponges.

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Re: removing pins/scales

Post by Oldreb »

Thom - thanks for the post - really enjoyed reading through the skillful replies - very helpful !!
